Laurel of Leaves

getting back to my roots: my journey in true health and natural living

Musings, True Health

Birthday Post: 26 is the New 20

26 today.

What? How did that happen? Wasn’t it just a few years ago that we stepped into a new century and I was singing along to the Backstreet Boys?

25 Didn’t seem to be a big deal. A quarter of a century. Pretty cool, I guess. But 26 is closer to 30 than anything else. Well, except for 27, 28, and 29, but you catch my drift.

Birthday Muffin

I was talking to God this morning, just having a little chat about my birthday, and I said, “I feel so young.” In the sense that I don’t feel like I’ve possibly had enough life experience to warrant being 26 years old (or something).

But then I heard God say, “You’d better feel young, cuz you’re only a quarter of the way there.” (He was grinning when He said it, by the way. He can be funny like that.)

I was hit with the realization that if I plan to live to at least 100 years old (which I do, by the way, since Harvard geneticists have proved that our cells have up to 120 years of life in them), then I’m nowhere near old yet.

So I’ve decided that 26 is the new 20. If you base a quarter of a lifetime off the typical life expectancy of around 80 these days (and let’s be honest, 80 is pushing it. How many 80 year olds do you know who are still active and in good health?), then 26 is just like 20.

And what was I doing at 20? I had just started dating my now husband. We spent just about every evening hanging out with friends in college. I lived in a dorm apartment with 3 awesome girls who shared clothes constantly. But to be perfectly honest, I’m in better health and better shape now at 26 than I was at 20!

But I also know that in order to stay on that path, I need to be intentional about reaching my goal. So I thought in honor of my 26th/20th birthday, I would share some of my action steps for living to at least 100.

Reaching 100 in Amazing Health:

1. Swallow a garlic clove 3 times a week. Garlic is a powerful anti-aging herb. It’s full of antioxidants and it has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Especially when I’m feeling a bit under the weather, I’ll boost my immune system by peeling a small clove of garlic, putting it in my mouth (avoiding my tongue–this stuff is potent!), biting down once to release the allicin, and swallowing it with water like a pill. No, it does not make your breath smell rosy, but chew on a sprig of parsley afterwards to counter the effect.


2. Work out a minimum of 3 times a week. An endorphin high is better than any drug (Not that I would know, of course. Never was my style, even at 20.). I love how I feel after a good workout. My favorite way to exercise is my BarreAmped class. The class setting and the value placed on it by having to pay keeps me accountable and consistent. But when I’m traveling or don’t feel like leaving home, I’ve bought my teacher’s Gorgeous Core DVD. Workouts are broken up into 5-15 minute segments that can be done anywhere (especially since I ripped the disc to my computer and can watch it on my iPod as well!)

Suzanne Bowen in Gorgeous Core

3. Detox 4 times a year. This is a new action step that I’m excited to implement once I get back home to the States. I want to do a 3-7 day detox juice fast (which is why this baby is on my wish list). I plan to juice veggies like carrots, beets, celery, kale, and cucumbers and add other great detoxifying agents like ginger, garlic, and cilantro.

This is obviously not an all-inclusive list of action steps for reaching 100 in good health, but these 3 are a great way to start. It’s important to be intentional about reaching your goals, no matter how far off in the future they may seem to be.

What are your health goals? How do you plan to achieve them?

  1. Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit

    June 24, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    Great post, Laurel! I just recently turned 25 and had a hard time with it. When people ask my age I just always say 23 without thinking. 25, ah! I love your approach to it. Just feel like you’re 20, believe you’re 20 and know you’re beautiful inside and out, regardless of your “age”. It’s just a number!

  2. Emily @ ButterBeliever

    June 28, 2011 at 3:01 am

    Happy birthday, Lori!! Love this post — I recently turned 26 as well! Totally, totally get the whole… just not feeling “old” enough to be this age, but looking at it as a quarter-life milestone kind of puts it all into perspective!

    The garlic thing, though… wow! Can’t say I’ve ever swallowed a whole clove before, but I think you just may have inspired me to be that brave. Juicing is on my list as well. But I think my biggest overall goal is to MAKE more foods than I BUY. Growing produce and raising animals that feed me seems like a great way to take control of my health and well-being for the next 3 quarters of my life!

    1. Lori Winter

      June 29, 2011 at 6:06 pm

      Happy belated birthday! ;)
      I love your goal to make more food than you buy! I can’t wait to have a garden when we get back home so I can do the same.

  3. Anakiwa Backpackers: Our Month Long Home Away from Home | There and Back Again

    June 28, 2011 at 10:53 pm

    […] You can read my thoughts on turning 26 and some goals for the next year (and beyond) on my blog, Laurel of Leaves. […]

  4. Gail Bailey

    June 29, 2011 at 2:11 am

    Happy birthday Lori, You will love to learn that my mother is 95 years young. She attributes it to “clean living”, no drinking, smoking.. and eating fresh vegetables she grew herself-none of that grocery store stuff. When my dad was living they plowed the entire back yard up and used it for gardening. She has taken at least a dozen falls, had two heart attacks and kidney failure, but is still kicking.

    1. Lori Winter

      June 29, 2011 at 6:07 pm

      Thanks Gail! That’s fantastic to know about your mother. Here’s to 20 more years of abundant life for her! ;)

  5. emm

    June 29, 2011 at 8:56 am

    haha just you wait until you actually hit 30! That was a eye opening moment for me. Mostly because I remember very clearly my own mothers 30th bday party! But hey, now that I’m here it’s all good.

    My Nana is 85 this year and still walks everyday, goes to exercise class 2 times a week and is just off on a overseas trip to Switzerland! She takes Ambrotose daily, gets acupuncture often and eats a simply diet supplemented with fruit and veg from their garden. But get this, my Grandad on the other hand, has just turned 88. He smoked for most of his life, drinks heavily, doesn’t exercise and won’t drink water! Go figure.

  6. I-Could-Eat-This-Every-Day Hummus

    July 20, 2012 at 7:39 pm

    […] herb that is potent for boosting your immune system and keeping you younger longer (so you can live to be 100 in extraordinary health with me). Add some alkalizing lemon juice and olive oil full of healthy fats and you don’t […]

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