Real Food Recipes, Snacks & Sides
Salmon Polenta Muffins
I have a new addiction. It’s known as Pinterest. I’m usually not one to jump on the bandwagon right away when it comes to new trends. Case in point, it…
getting back to my roots: my journey in true health and natural living
Real Food Recipes, Snacks & Sides
I have a new addiction. It’s known as Pinterest. I’m usually not one to jump on the bandwagon right away when it comes to new trends. Case in point, it…
I have been on SUCH a coleslaw kick over the past few weeks. Which, I guess, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Cabbage is incredibly nutrient dense and aids in digestion….
Musings, Real Food Recipes, Salads
I feel compelled to tell you a story. A story that has absolutely nothing to do with Almond Pasta Salad. A story set on an island somewhere in the Pacific….
Real Food Recipes, Snacks & Sides
Um. Wow. I have to say I’m pretty darn impressed with this bread. You might remember me hating on bread a few months ago, but this is not your superstore…
Real Food Recipes, Snacks & Sides
It’s true. I could probably eat hummus every day for the rest of my life and not get tired of it. Granted, 2 and a half years ago I hadn’t…
Real Food Recipes, Snacks & Sides
I have been itching to try some savory muffins for a while now. It’s actually kind of amazing, what with my muffin fetish and all, that I haven’t delved into…
Real Food Recipes, Snacks & Sides
I think you would be hard pressed to come up with a more traditional Kiwi meal. Lamb, kumara, and minted peas are all Kiwi as! (If you’re confused here, I’ll…
I’ll be honest. I almost didn’t blog this recipe. Even though it was go-back-for-seconds-and-thirds delicious and ridiculously easy to throw together. The reason? I was naughty. I used a store-bought…
Ah, summer. Carefree evening cookouts around the pool while the sunlight lingers on, giving way eventually to the light of the fireflies as my friends and I nurse cold fruity…